Hoffmann-La Roche is a company dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry with more than 70 years in the Peruvian market, managing to maintain a leading position in their industry.


Design a landing page that informs about the symptoms of the disease and introduces the campaign's allies (influencers/content creators).

As it was a short campaign, the user's navigation time would be low, so the design was intended to be direct and easy to understand. Finally, the campaign would have a limited time, so simplicity and speed in design and development were required.

I followed the specifications of the brand's digital brandbook and the guidelines provided by the client.

For the design, the first thing was to summarize and highlight the informative content and structure it into sections. I focused on the positioning of elements, the use of boxes to organize the content, and on generating contrasts that do not affect the information. I also used different filters in the background images for differentiation and a more playful design.

Heridas Que No Cierran Por Sí Solas (Wounds that won't heal) is an internal initiative for the company's collaborators and workers on International Hemophilia Day (April 24) to raise awareness and inform about the disease.



